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The Princess
a highschool girl who lives in her own ordinary life, Anies with the extraordinary people in it. she loves to writting, reading and travelling around the country. she loves greentea, ice cream and yoghurt. she also loves NYC and TOKYO!

Faithfulness and sincerity are the highest things. --Confucius

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    this is the way how the volcanoes explodes!
    - Minggu, 04 Oktober 2009 -

    Long time no see you blog!
    By the way just straight to the point. I dunno where should I go and I dunno who should I hug beside EPHA!
    I know it is wrong to tell you bout everything. But I can't stand it alone, I should express my anger in somewhere that is really appreciate my anger.
    Those effin' boy starting to make a mess wiff me. Sorry, I'm rude, but it's reality. Live with it.
    I'm so sick of him, his attitude and everything.
    How could a boy who act like an innocent! But he is-was the selfish boy ever!
    The words that I can say now are I HATE HIM! I HATE HIM MORE THAN ANYTHING!
    I wish I never met him before. But it was too late, I met him and he became my boyfriend. I can take the easier way with breaking up wiff him. But I won't take a risk. I still have something wiff him! But he never appreciate me! He never sees me! :((


    < 07.06 >

    secret wishes
    - Sabtu, 20 Juni 2009 -

    Helloooo! :)
    It takes so long time, I haven't updating mu blog.
    Well, it's so good that I can share you my stories.

    Let me say, welcome SENIOR!!
    yeah, finally :)
    I'm becoming senior, not so happy at all, the future! Still, this part makes me being stoned.
    Yeah, this is the starting.

    Saya bingung, cukup bingung untuk mengutarakan ini semua. Semua yang ada kini terasa mulai menghilang perlahan-lahan. Lelaki yang pernah menyakiti saya kini kembali lagi kepada saya. Saya hanya bisa tersenyum, lega. Saya sakit setiap kali saya ingat betapa kejamnya dia dan betapa seringnya dia menyakiti saya.
    Saya hanya bisa berkata, 'semuanya pasti terbalas' namun saya tidak mau itu terjadi. Saya tidak mau dia sakit. Saya sudah cukup merasakan sakitnya, walaupun memang ini membuat saya terkesan mendramatisir keadaan. Saya tidak mau jatuh lagi, saya tidak mau sakit lagi. Saya ingin bahagia, saya ingin hidup tenang dan senang. Dia, tanpa dirinya saya tidak dapat bernafas, tanpa dirinya pun saya kehilangan satu sisi diri saya.
    Semuanya, semua yang kita lalui bersama merupakam memori indah yang tak mungkin terlupakan dengan mudahnya. Still, he's my hero :)


    < 00.42 >

    please, tell me the truth!
    - Rabu, 10 Juni 2009 -

    tell me one thing that you needed right now!

    mine? its kinda simple, what i need what i want is his attention only. one year two months has been passed, we through it together. right or wrong, sickness or happiness.
    but now, i've nothing. through it alone, without someone stand by me. i decided to leave it behind but sometimes i regret it, 'i still need him'
    that's it. and now for sure, he didn't want to reply my text, he didn't want to answer my phone and he turning her cellphone off. okay, i'm a strong girl, my patience is my pray. the only thing i can standing in is my patience, i beg my patience to be more patient.
    useful and helpful, my patience taking me calm and relief. but my alterego can't take it anymore, i want him feelin' it. how much i try to keep my patience. how hard i try to stand up for YOU?
    and how often you breaking my heart into pieces?
    and how many regreting words i got from you? and how easy i accept your appology?

    I'm so sorry, DEAR! for now on, i'm not as weak as yesterday and i'm not as pathetic as yesterday!
    I can start my new life without you, dear.
    I can live my life without you, dear.
    And I can enjoy my life without you, dear.
    so thank you and you'll regret it!


    < 23.31 >

    - Kamis, 04 Juni 2009 -

    Heloooooo :)

    Saya berusaha mencerna semua yang ada adalam otak saya saat ini. semuanya berbalik dan semuanya menyakitkan. saya hanya dapat menelan ludah untuk dapat merasakan betapa sakitnya ini. hati saya, sakit. sakit sekali.
    saya tidak tahu mengapa saya merasakan sakit seperti ini, sakit seperti kehilangan seseorang yang amat berarti bagi saya. saya hanya dapt diam, merenungi dan nantinya menangis.
    sayang tidah banyak fikir, saya hanya tersenyum, ternyata ini akhir dari semuanya.
    kenangan manis hilang begitu saja, tidak dapat dibendung lagi rasa sakit ini.
    dia mencerca saya, saya tidak peduli. bukan ini yang saya mau, bukan dia yang saya mau.
    saya hanya mau dia yang dahulu, dia yang tidak dengan gampangnya menyakiti hati saya. dia yang selalu membuat saya senang dan tersenyum. dia yang sayang saya. saya terlalu capek utuk berfikir, saya terlalu capek untuk menangis.



    < 02.42 >

    Today : almost perfect
    - Selasa, 02 Juni 2009 -

    Hello blogger! ;)

    it's 18.15 and i'm still in my car back off to home! Well my current moods is fantastic and loved it! :)
    today i've a great time together with reva, kemal, aussie nd tami. we went to one of factory outlet nd bought some outfits for our friend, anshar. Tommorow he'll turning 17th nd they ( reva, kemal nd tami ) as his closest friends wants to make him happy in his born day. Maybe for the other boy, turning 17th is like ordinary day. But it's kinda different for our friend, anshar. He's such a good friend and love to make us happy. So the 'three musketters' decided to make a little surprise party for anshar. Hopes he will love it.

    Well, it's raining outside. Finally it's rain. Light rain, whatevs. Everyday i wish that today would be great when i see rain. But the sky doesn't even seems dark nd cloudy. It's sunny everyday!

    Now my world seems perfect. I had super georgeous boyfriend who always loved me. Perfect besties nd also families.
    But it don't make me live high, just thinking. My days wont be perfect w/out their. Nd i appreciate it they loved me like i do!

    Nd for the upcoming 1 year 2 months wif reva, i'm gonna make some present for him. But it can't finish quickly.
    Looking from my schedule, next week we'll get our last final exams in eleven grade. Nd i must focus on it!

    Well, enough for tday! Thankies biatch!



    < 04.30 >

    my guy my love
    - Senin, 01 Juni 2009 -

    Well, sudah cukup lama saya tidak menulis blog dan berbagi cerita :)

    today's current mood's : FINE almost excited! :)

    that guy filling my empty heart, from broken into blossom.
    that guy standing by my side. cheering me up and smiling for me, only me.
    that guy giving me hopes and wishes.
    that guy making me happy.
    that guy holding me tight.
    that guy kissing me tender.
    that guy loving me more than i thought.

    the reason that I want to be his is simple. He loved me in anyway, everyday he gave me tons of hearts. He loved me like tommorow is our last day. And he loved me like he loved himself.

    Whatever he is, how much he makes me feelings some pain, i love him. Only him :)


    < 01.43 >

    Teen Vogue Survey Reveals Teens' Views on 'Hooking Up'
    - Rabu, 27 Mei 2009 -

    The results are in! In a survey last month, Teen Vogue asked readers what it really means to be "hooking up". While some responses seemed to reflect predictable teen behavior, there were, admittedly, a few that really shocked us. The survey, accounting for 2,287 responses, reveals that the average age for having a first kiss is 13 (fair enough), and that the average age of having sex for the first time is 15 (yikes!). Another shocker the survey suggests is that 22% of teens did not use protection the first time they had sex, and 23% never use protection. With stats like these, it's no wonder teen pregnancy is on the rise.

    According to the survey, more than half of those who answered do not count oral sex as "sex," even though one can still contract an STD or STI this way.

    The true meaning of "hooking up" remains a rather ambiguous term, but the survey shows that the general view has a lot to do with safety. "[Hooking up] is fine, as long as you're being safe," (as in practicing safe sex) was a common response to the open-ended question.

    Read on for the full results!
    Would you say most of your friends are dating?
    Yes 57%
    No 43%

    Do your parents let you date?
    Yes 82.7%
    No 17.3%

    If not, is there a certain age at which they will allow it?
    13 6.2%
    14 4%
    15 11.4%
    16 25.1%
    17 12%
    18+ 41.2%

    Would you (or have you) ever gone behind their back to date someone or had a secret boyfriend/girlfriend?
    Yes 60.8%
    No 39.2%

    At what age did you have your first kiss?
    Avg 13

    At what age did you first have sex?
    Avg 15

    Did you use protection the first time you had sex?
    Yes 77.9%
    No 22.1%

    What counts as "hooking up"?
    Kissing 79.3%
    Touching 53.4%
    Oral sex 46.2%
    Sex 47.2%
    Other 11.9%

    How many people have you hooked up with?
    1-3 60.7%
    3-5 14.6%
    5-7 8.7%
    7-10 5.9%
    10+ 10%

    Where do you hook up? (Check all that apply)
    School 25.5%
    Home 41.2%
    Friend's house 55.4%
    Other 56.4%
    *Recurring write-in for "Other" was "parties"

    How often do you practice safe sex (use a condom or other means of birth control)?
    Always 62.4%
    Almost always 9.7%
    Sometimes 4.9%
    Never 23.0%

    Does oral sex count as "sex"?
    Yes 44.6%
    No 55.4%

    Do you perceive oral sex to be more acceptable/appropriate than sex?
    Yes 33.8%
    No 66.2%

    Are you worried about getting an STI?
    Yes 61.1%
    No 38.9%

    Have your parents talked to you about sex/hooking up?
    Yes 63.6%
    No 36.4%

    How old were you when they had "the talk"?
    12 and under 44.5%
    13-15 42.7%
    15-18 11.7%
    19 and up 1.1%

    If so, did your find their talk to be effective/useful?
    Yes 57.6%
    No 42.4%

    Have you ever sent/posted partially clad/nude photos of yourself to a guy/girl?
    Yes 25.1%
    No 74.9%

    If you don't have an exclusive partner, how many people do you think it's OK to hook up with at the same time?
    2 74.6%
    3 16.0%
    4 2.1%
    5+ 7.3%

    Do you think there's a double standard in regards to hooking up when it comes to guys versus girls?
    Yes 73.7%
    No 26.3%

    Talk Back: What's your general view on hooking up?
    *Here are a few sample write-in responses from the survey:

    "I think it's generally harmless, as long as you're safe, and you and your partner have the same feelings and expectations."

    "It's one of the early processes before dating or a serious relationship."

    "I think that the term 'hook up' is very unclear. To me it's just kissing, but to my friends I know it can mean different things."

    "It just depends how far you take things...kissing is ok, but when it gets to the point of feeling uncomfortable, then it's not ok."

    "Hooking up at a party or other group event always leads to trouble. The rate at which rumors fly around, especially in high school, is insane!"

    "I think that when you're ready or feel you want to be more experienced, then you can do whatever, but only if you're ready. Don't do something because you're forced to and/or feel pressured to do so. Don't do something you'll regret because you'll never be able to take it back. And always be safe about things."

    For those of you who didn't participate in the survey, what do you think about these findings? Sound off!

    Also, read Teen Vogue's June/July issue feature, Modern Romance, by Suzanne D'Amato, for more of the scoop on where, when, and how teens these days are "hooking up".

    < 20.43 >